Week of Events
**ZOOM SESSION** The Anatomy of a Contract (CE.6727000-RE 3hrs. Contracts or “Elective” for General CE) Instructor: Nick Nicholson $20
**ZOOM SESSION** The Anatomy of a Contract (CE.6727000-RE 3hrs. Contracts or “Elective” for General CE) Instructor: Nick Nicholson $20
This course will review important information regarding essential elements of a contract to clear up misunderstandings and review the preparation and completion of the Residential Purchase Agreement, supporting documents and required disclosures.
**ZOOM SESSION** Cybersecurity and Data Protection for the Licensee (CE.6792000-RE 3hrs. Risk Reduction or “Elective” for General CE) Instructor: Nick Nicholson $20
**ZOOM SESSION** Cybersecurity and Data Protection for the Licensee (CE.6792000-RE 3hrs. Risk Reduction or “Elective” for General CE) Instructor: Nick Nicholson $20
We are being targeted by hackers and we should understand the principles of cyber and information security to mitigate risks; review case studies and examples from federal agencies to identify vulnerabilities and help us develop strategies and policies to reduce exposure and protect systems, data, and client non-public personal information.
**ZOOM SESSION** What You Should Know About Probate (CE.7148000-RE 3hrs. Law & Legislation or “Elective” for General CE) Instructor: Nick Nicholson $20
**ZOOM SESSION** What You Should Know About Probate (CE.7148000-RE 3hrs. Law & Legislation or “Elective” for General CE) Instructor: Nick Nicholson $20
Gain an understanding of the process for the various types of probate and ways to hold title, the court process of listing and selling a property and ways to mitigate risk for the licensee.